Monday, August 22, 2011

Coming Soon

In the next few weeks I hope to get a new blog hub up and am going to introduce you to my artistic friends and family. Each artist has his or her own perspective on art and there will be a variety of media to explore. I am so excited to get these people linked and to share their talents with everyone. In days gone by, American Business was built on people supporting one another by word of mouth advertising, and by buying their products. Communities survive by making commerce personal and productive to that community. But also by bringing in new ideas and sharing common interests.  The world has gotten so big that America is now our common community. And is need of good old fashioned "Capitalism."  But how do you know who to support? Word of mouth. I want to personally commend these people for the beautiful work they do, but also for the wonderful spirit they have, and the greatness of their Character. So proud to be able to present them to you. Can't wait to  get the blog up and going. Initially, purchases of their work will be by personal contact, but in future months, those who wish may direct you to their web pages or online stores. Stay in touch.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Away too long

July has been such a busy month that I haven't even added a single blog.  Still have up the July calendar and haven't put up the August one.  Oh well, I guess it is a good problem to have if you are getting things done.  The old computer has been about to crash I had so many pictures and graphics piling up.  So had to get some of it stored.  Ready to start filling the void. LOL But not tonight. New calendar soon and maybe a pic or two.   But I have definitely been away too long.