Sunday, February 27, 2011

Let the Sun Shine In

When I was a very small child, my mother would come into our room in the morning and open the blinds and sing, "Let  the Sun shine in, face it with a grin, open up your hearts and let the Sun shine in." I don't know it's author, but I know it was a wonderful way to awake in the morning. As the years went by and there were difficulties in the night hours, Mama lost her habit of getting up early to open the blinds, or sing songs that made us smile.
Now that I am older, it isn't lost on me that the jingle had a two-fold meaning. I remember we also sang it at Sunday School and Vacation Bible school. Of course the lines would read, "Let the Son shine in..." referencing Jesus, the Son of God. The sun waking me in the morning is still one of my favorite things in life. I love it falling on my face and being so bright it blinds me as it ignites over the horizon on any given day.  It gives me courage and calls to mind the alternate version of the song, helping me to remember at the break of day, first thing to "let the Son shine in."
Some of the things God created are so trasparent that they let the sun shine completely through them.  The cells of flowers and of some tiny insects are like that. It reminds me of how fragile life is, and how amazing if the sun shines through it.  One day as I was taking pictures of my azaleas in the front yard, the sun peeped through from behind my house and was filtering straight through the petals I was getting macro pictures of. (Poor english, I know< for give please.) But the results were nothing short of a gift from God.  Once again God made His presence known in the Garden.  He is bigger than the design of these fragile beautiful things, so I must remind myself that he is bigger than the fragile delicate short lived things in my life.
They will come and they will go, but the Son of God is there to shine through. I praise Him for that. God not only can see into our hearts, He can shine right through us.

Thank you Father, that you make transparent our fragile lives. You shine right through us. You glow from within us. You make us beautiful, when we are unlovely. I praise you. Amen

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